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Clarification of local health officer orders

Wed, 29/04/2020 - 05:00

April 29, 2020

Riverside County


Riverside County Joint Information Center
(951) 955-5087

Clarification of local health officer orders

The County of Riverside issues the following clarification for today’s amended public health officer order:

The County’s current health order prohibiting gatherings outside the home expires April 30. Beginning May 1, the county will fall solely under the governor’s stay at home order as it pertains to gatherings. The governor’s order states that all California residents must stay home unless they are engaged in an essential business or activity, such as grocery shopping or visiting the doctor.

The governor’s order does not have an expiration date. As soon as the governor releases the stay at home order, Riverside County will be ready to move into the governor’s second phase of reopening businesses.

The newly amended health order continues to allow for certain recreational activities in Riverside County, including the use of trails and parks for hiking, biking and equestrian uses. Golf is also permitted in Riverside County with certain limitations.

This amended health order continues to require face coverings and a six-foot social distance through June 19.

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